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Digital unit project | Urbana New Living

How we've simplified energy monitoring and conservation at Urbana New Living in Milan

Urbana New Living – a new project developed by REDO Sgr located in Milan, Italy, is one of our latest communities adopting Planet’s energy management solution.

Across two buildings in the district, Planet Smart City implemented ways to view energy usage at every level, from individual flats to community-wide consumption, like energy used in common areas. This is thanks to its widespread applications in the project, from heat pumps to energy meters.

MWhe managed yearly
MWht managed yearly
of residents
registered on Planet App
of users control thermostats
through Planet App

Money-saving tools

We’ve aimed to provide residents with the means to reduce energy bills from the source. Alongside our partner EoT (Energy of Things), which offers customers a comprehensive energy-tracking solution through their intelligent management software, we have provided them with a series of capabilities that can simplify how the average homeowner or renter monitors their bills and consumes resources.

EoT’s offering also enables massive data storage, tracking consumption and environmental data at high definition. The granularity of the data allows building and community managers to take action and reduce facility costs while helping individual users reduce their use. It also provides an in-depth analysis of other longer-term savings with tools built into the digital platform.

This is especially useful for building and condominium administrators. By leveraging historical data, applying a rules-modelling engine and viewing cost-splitting between residents, they can better understand their usage at the granular level. At Urbana New Living, using these tools alongside Planet App has already yielded results for administrators.

smartEn – Smart Energy Europe filmed an informative video on the premises as part of the Active Buildings: game-changing energy consumers campaign which aims to showcase how buildings can reduce their carbon footprint and become zero-emission through a flexible use of clean energy. Check out the video to learn more about how consumers, especially vulnerable ones, can tackle price spikes amidst the energy crisis.

Preview costs

Most importantly, EoT’s web-based platform, combined with Planet Apps’ ease of use, delivers the ability to preview costs that haven’t been billed yet – a process known as reverse billing. This tool allows residents to plan ahead and never be surprised by another bill again.

This is especially useful in condominiums where bills include voluntary and involuntary (i.e. shared costs, such as distribution heat loss) expenses and can arrive as infrequently as once a year, surprising residents with unannounced high costs. Thanks to the interface between our two platforms, residents have more control over their accurate energy usage in near-real-time, with information updating every day at midnight.

Comfort and control

Finally, we also deliver more convenience to residents by allowing them to control their heating systems wirelessly, anywhere and in real-time. With tools embedded within Planet App, we can ensure that each resident has total control of their energy consumption and utility bills, providing long-term savings and a greater understanding of their energy usage.

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