Planet Forward

Leading by Experience

Strategic Sustainability & Innovation for real estate and beyond

How we can help you


Planet Forward is a Strategic Sustainability Accelerator pioneering an integrated approach to mobilize and inspire changemakers towards profitable and impactful investments.

Organizations are urged to demonstrate positive impact and resilience while managing risks. This requires integrated action, driven by digital innovation, community engagement, and environmental commitment. Planet Forward can help accelerate your journey towards Strategic Sustainability.
Planet Forward - Market and challenge

Our methods allows us to converge rainwater harvesting and smart sprinklers to reduce water footprint.

A smart irrigation system with tech-enabled water dispersion has already helped residents at Smart City Laguna save water and keep their urban gardens green. Learn more about our smart solutions in action by visiting our projects page.
Planet Forward - Water footprint reduction
Sustainability Master Planning is the distinctive way we guide and enable forward-thinking organization to understand and acquire the necessary capabilities, materials, processes, and results to meet evolving goals that drive financial, social and environmental success. With Planet Smart City, your experienced peers in the sector, you can achieve desired outcomes faster through a collaborative approach to sustainability and innovation.

Strategic Optimization & Space Rationalization

From accountability commitments to monetization methods, drive better use and higher value of your assets and their outcomes by operationalizing dynamic materiality, efficiency, resilience, and smartification.
Due diligence for asset optimization
Dynamic materiality mapping for stakeholder engagement
ESG risk assessment and derisking
Roadmapping & action planning
Multi-factor trend analysis
Proptech and services research and co-innovation
Space use circularity & use compliance assessment
Sustainability Brief & Technical Requirements development

Environmental Evaluation & ESG Reporting

Be it material procurement, construction process, or project profile- comprehensively assess your portfolio’s land, light, energy, water, and waste resources for environmental impact, performance gap, or future opportunity.
Site selection, analysis, & remediation planning
Project evaluation and rationalization
Standing asset evaluation & audit
Sustainability protocol and standards gap analysis
GRESB Benchmark Assessment
Non-financial reporting support - GRI, GHG Protocol, TCFD, CSRD, EU Taxonomy
Environmental stakeholder engagement & training

Community Engagement & Experience Enhancement

From people to pets, placemaking and gamification leverage human facilitators, proptech, and AI to influence group engagement, demographic assimilation, digital naturalization, behavioral change, and revenue enhancement.
Community development
Accessibility enhancements
Community engagement & conversion services
Occupant services development and commercialization
Social certification rationale & rating enhancement
Social & wellbeing certifications; e.g., WELL, FitWel

Asset Revitalization & Modernization

Revitalize underperforming assets with renewed viability considering cultural, contemporary, and compliant methods for smart, agile, and sustainable redesign together with accessible and adaptive reuse.
Brownfield / Greenfield rationalization
Adaptive reuse strategies & planning
Stranded asset re-activation envisioning and implementation
Asset operational energy maximization
Social and historic preservation
Requalification support
GBC Historic Building certification and mentoring

Design Development & Validation

Envision and implement multi-resource sustainability with authentic stories promoting more efficient and effective alignment between mandated socio-ecological protocols for metrics that are both measurable and meaningful.
Design evaluation and environmental compliance
Building performance assessment & multi-modal modeling for thermal, health, and environmental comfort
LCSA, LCA & LCC - embodied and operational carbon
Material identification and specification
Green building certification delivery, and mentoring; e.g., LEED, BREEAM, EDGE, Level(s)

Urban Ecosystem Regeneration & Adjacencies

Harmonize citizens, communities, and common needs in city neighborhoods with dynamic urban spaces to foster eco-social integration and evolve interactive cityscapes connecting human, natural & built environments with mobility, accessibility and green spaces.
Space enlivening and experience enhancement
Outdoor space regeneration
Inside/Outside harmonization
Infrastructure evaluation & alignment
Alternative mobility planning
Positive outcomes as a service
From Idea to Impact

Sustainable Solutions for Real Estate Projects

We have a strong experience in creating science-based approaches to as-sess and analyze the sustainable viability of real estate and developmentprojects through use of proprietary quantitative methods. A multidisciplinary team of designers, developers, advisors, proptechspecialists, and innovation thought leaders support stakeholders to gaina competent and competitive proactivity, ensuring impactful results ateach stage. Such impact is driven by crafting agile spaces that can fosterrelationships, wellbeing, and savings, while making the built environ-ment more accessible, resilient, and valuable.
Planet Forward - From Idea to Impact
Turning impact to outcomes
Sustainability is a strategy, not just a trend or tactic, leading to interconnected outcomes. As experts in investment, development, advisory, digital proptech, integration, and innovation, we understand your needs and can provide the knowledge and agility to adopt relevant options and take decisive actions.

Value Maximization

Due diligence assessment, ratings, certifications,classifications, digital transformation
Risk Mitigation
Resilience rationalization, Stakeholder alignment, Climate responsiveness, Occupant behavior modification, Emergency reactiveness & first-responder integration, Structural & seismic integrity analysis and retrofitting.
Market Making / Innovation Commercialization
Market Differentiation, Occupant attractiveness, Enhanced user experience, Opportunity cost avoidance, Digital naturalization of users, Internationalization and market segment relevance, Open innovation access.
Future Modeling Casting Transformation Opportunities
Placemaking, Digital transformation, Early adoption & first mover advantage, Thematic evolution/Trend prediction, Community & environmental regeneration, Ecosystem extension,, AI integration, Advanced solutions for proptech, contech, martech & fintech.


Planet Forward, drawing upon the experience of Planet Smart City, develops and implements efficient and high-performance urban projects, ranging from basic building improvements to integrated smart cities. With a multidisciplinary approach that combines technology, service digitalization, and engaging social innovation programs, we integrate over 500 smart solutions, promoting ongoing research to implement and expand this vision, benefiting our clients and the real estate world.
Luca Massimo Giacosa
Luca Massimo Giacosa
CEO Planet Forward

Revolutionise smart living together