Transform your district
How our products are improving the lives of residents around the globe.
80% of the families living in our districts use our product.
10 modules to create and manage your district at need.
Residents are more eager to use the district’s smart solutions.
More than 13.000 downloads across the globe.
Three parts to control your district
Through its SaaS digital platform, Planet provides an entire infrastructure management solution, allowing users to access and interact with intelligent solutions.
Used to manage the app's content and for the administration of the facility and its functions.
Azure Cloud-based infrastructure with features such as databases and IoT, allowing for modular project configuration and third-party integration.
Facilitate user interaction with real estate services, improving engagement, efficiency, reputation, and enabling ESG data collection.
Combining features for your platform
Basic and optional configurable modules to be implemented in real estate projects that embrace innovative solutions and services.
Everything you need to know about the product. Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please contact our team.