Our offices

Turin, IT
C.so Stati Uniti, 45,
Torino, 10129, Italy
+39 011 0890040
London, UK
Suite 3036, Fox Court
14 Gray's Inn Road
London, WC1X 8HN, UK
+44 20 3585 4553
Pune, IN
1st Floor, City Bay, 101 & 102
Dhole Patil Rd, Sangamvadi
Pune, Maharashtra 411001, India
+91 20 7796 4133
Fortaleza, BR
Av. Desembargador Moreira, 760
Ed. Centurion, 9th floor
Fortaleza, CEP 60.170-000, Brazil
+55 (85) 3067-8505

Get in touch with us

We create a smarter planet by fostering communities that respect local cultures and support inclusivity and sustainability.
We design, build, and consult on.

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